The stories of life

The stories of life

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The destiny

How would you feel if the destiny snatched away everything from you including your last asset?! Stardom! Limelight! Luxury etc are everyone's desire!  I can consider myself "blessed" for that! I have everything ! But still, it sometimes makes me feel suffocating. I don’t want to know what’s going on around me. There is just one thing which I should know that this is my last chance to survive.
But still it’s hard to think about anything else or concentrate! There is just one thing in my mind--The BREAKING NEWS…
“Bollywood heart throb Meghna hooked up with director Rohan Verma”. 

I remember the day when she came to me and said. “Sir, just give me a chance! I can prove myself.” She was a girl from Dharavi, the biggest slum of Asia. A poor, helpless slum dweller with lots of dreams in the deep blue eyes. A multi talented girl! Or I can say, she was like  a lotus which grows in the mud.
 She knew everything about me-like –my debut film, my first film fare and the national award, my favorite food etc. There were millions of fan followers of Pronoy Joshi, the film director in this whole world; but she was my biggest fan. Or I should say, she claimed to be. I gave one after another hit with her. Pronoy –Meghna-The Rocking couple!
I never imagined that a girl,"A slum dweller", one day would capture my entire life, heart and soul. There was a time when Pronoy was incomplete without Meghna. But this  is film industry. One day the cruel destiny played its game. The biggest flop of my life! My first ever flop movie. For me it was a disaster!  You know why? ‘Cause I never loose. “Pronoy Joshi never loses.” My seniors and the critics said, “Don’t worry it’s just a bad patch. Everybody faces in their lives. Don’t be panic! Remember you are the best”. So forgetting everything, I concentrated in my next venture. But I faced failure once again. I was screwed. What happened to me?? My colleagues said, “Your entire focus is on her! She is ruining you!”  I was floating that time. So, I couldn’t hear anything! Then one after another flop! Four flops in a row were enough to bring you down.
Now I am just trying to stand up. I want a fresh face for my next movie or I should say my last movie. One more flop and the industry will throw me away.
So today is the audition of my next or last movie- The Destiny!

Meanwhile Krish entered into my room and said, “I’m done! These  girls make me sick! Everyone wants to be a STAR! SICK! This is the toughest job to be the casting director of your movie! I chose just seven girls! Now it’s your turn to finalize!”
I was standing near the window. He says, “This is your last chance buddy! So concentrate. Forget the bullshit and the bitch as well”.
“Did you see the news?”
“Yes of course! So what?! Do you really care? If yes, then why?? And how could you think about that opportunist bloody gold digger? She has got a new one to fulfill her dreams. There is no difference between a human being and a ladder to her.”
I was still silent.
He continued, “I remember, after those flops when you were struggling hard to survive, she avoided you. I also remember her last call to you, ‘Honey, I’m not an emotional fool like you! I want to live my life.’ Don’t you remember that? How could you still think of her?”
“Okay I’m sorry!”
I wiped  away those unseen tears, I went back to work!
“Any preference?”
“Yeah! Look at this snap! Look at her! She is perfect. There is something which is different than the others. And mind it she is not a SLUM girl. She is nineteen, studding B.Tech. Acting is her passion!”
“Acting or stardom…?”
“Trust me, Pronoy, she is too good! What’s the problem with the stardom? If she is talented, then she deserves that! This is showbiz don’t forget! Stop being so emotional! Its the time to see the world in a practical point of view.”
“Whatever! If you think she is good, then what am I supposed to say!”
“One more thing!  Please don’t loose your cool! She talks too much! She is so young! And we can consider that!”
The fact was I couldn'\t hear anything, today. I just wanted to close my eyes to rest my senses.
Krish says, “Go home now. Take rest! A brand new day is waiting for you tomorrow.. Your will wake up with a brand new point of view and rock the world!”
“Krish how could you understand me so well?”
I hugged him and say, “Thank you my friend. Thanks for being with me even in my crisis!”

On the next day as usual  I reached to the studio in the early morning, before every unit member! But after reaching there I was shocked to see someone there! Its 6:30 a.m. Rays of sun entered the room. Someone was sitting on my chair.
I shouted, “Who the hell is there? How dare you to sit on Director’s chair?”
She sprang from the chair and looked at me. She seems to be so scared. The sun light was touching her face! She was looking at me with her deep blue eyes! Don’t know how did I feel? But something was so different which I never felt before! There were so many questions in those eyes! But this kind of eyes once cheated me.
“Who the hell are you? And what are you doing here, now? If you are here for the autograph, then forget it!”
“No no sir… You’ve misunderstood me! Actually Krish Sir asked me to come at 6 O’clock. I know how much irritating is this…. I mean these fans and autograph and all that. You know in my college everyone is thrilled to know that I am working for Pronoy Joshi’s next movie!? Oh my god even I can’t believe this! It’s like dream came true! I asked my friend to pinch me. I still don’t believe this! I am standing in front of you. Oh my God! Oh my God!”
“Oh yeah sir! Yesterday I came here for the audition! Krish sir asked me to come here for the discussion on the script!”   
“Oh so you are the new girl?”
“Oh yes sir! Avantika Mallik!”
“Whatever! You can’t sit on my chair! Sit somewhere else.”
“Oops I’m sorry! I’m extremely sorry sir!”
She took a chair and sat.
I went to my cabin and started reading the script. One thing was confusing me. The leading lady of the movie is so calm and reserved. But this girl…………! I started cursing Krish! What happened to him that he chose her?! She is just too imperfect!
I was trying to concentrate in the script but something was distracting me. Oh the girl and her talkative nature! She was on phone. Oh she was making me sick… I whispered, “Krish, you are gone!”

Krish arrived to the studio at 8 o’clock! He was shocked to see the girl. Showing his watch he said to her,
“Avantika, I am impressed!”
“Thank you sir…! Only I know how I managed to come here! It was so hard to get a taxi at 5 o’clock!”

I came out of my cabin and said, “Krish , come inside!”
Krish entered.
“What the hell is this Krish? I don’t believe this! How could you choose this girl? Look at the character and look at her!”
“Do you believe me or not?”
“It’s not about trust or something.’
“Then you can rely on me. Today you take her screen test! If you feel that she is imperfect then cool! We will select someone else!”

So Krish went to her and said,
“Are you ready for the screen test?”
“Oh yeah sir! Why not? You know what? I am always ready for the challenges…. You know when I was 10 years old…..”
“Okay okay we will listen to your story later. Now get ready for the screen test! Remember your dialogues!”

For the first time she was facing the camera. It is meaningless to mention that I was not at all hopeful about her.
She gave her shot. A bubbly young girl was playing the role of a mature woman. In short she stunned me! She made me speechless! Krish has chosen someone too perfect. I wanted to hug him but the problem was I criticized him and this girl before; the biggest problem was my ego! Hence I couldn’t express my satisfaction to them. So I laughed in my mind and said to myself, “Thanks Krish! You rock!”
After the screen test Krish came to me and said, “I know I know man you will never express your satisfaction  but in your mind you surely said ‘thanks’ to me…. I am damn sure buddy. And I hate this attitude of yours, you know? And your big big E-G-O.”
“Whatever! The hero will be here at any moment. Get ready and tell her not talk much in front of him.”
“Don’t you think you should appreciate her for once?”
“I need to finish some pending work….”
I went to my cabin. Yes I was satisfied… Very very much satisfied…

In the afternoon we had a session with the cast.  She seemed to be so excited to see the hero, Manish!

On the next day all we reached to the studio. The set and everything were ready. But the hero was as usual late. Of course this is the attitude of a super stars. Otherwise no one will call you a super star! Finally he arrived! But there was a huge mess! I know I don’t need to mention for whom! The new girl! She went to the hero and said,
“Sir, You know what I was your biggest fan! I saw your that movie in which you played the role of an honest idealistic cop! Who can do anything for punctuality, ideology and all that! But today you know what? You have lost all the respect! We are all here from the early morning. Look at the spot boy! His name is Chotu. His mother is hospitalized. But he has been here from the morning! He is a real life hero not you! What do you think only you and millionaires are human being and the rest are some crawling insect, isn't it?”
He shouted-“What the hell is this you bloody struggler! How dare you?”

Me and the entire team were busy to cool him down.

Finally we succeeded to convince him. But he had a condition- He wanted Avantika to apologize. Krish said, “No problemoooooo Manish! I’ll talk to her”…But I stopped him-
“No, not you! Now its my turn..!” That scared him-“Oh shit!”
I called her in my office.
She enters. She was silent and was looking Straight into my eyes as if  she didn’t have any regret for whatever she did!
“Look! This project is so precious to me! So important and for your kind of idiot, I don’t want to loose it! Did you get it? Now go to Manish and say SORRY!”
“For what sir?”
“For your stupidity!”
She didn’t say anything! She was staring at me with a blank expression on her face!
I shouted, “Go and say sorry…Go!”
She kept staring at me.. As if nothing happened! Finally she broke her silence!
“For a while forget that this is your last project for survival! For a while forget that you are Pronoy Joshi, the Director! For a while keep yourself in the place of the spot boy, “who is a human being” or for a while think yourself just a human being who is neither a rich man nor a celeb nor anything –Just an ORDINARY HUMAN BEING! That’s it! And then say the line once again which you just said a minute ago!”
I was speechless…. I was shocked and stunned and was looking at her face and eyes and was asking myself- “Who is this girl?”

She continued...
“In crisis people usually forget the difference between right and wrong! That time they only focus on “survival”… That is human nature! This is so ridiculous you know before I came here I used to think that wealthy people are so lucky! So felicitous! But now my point of view has been changed… My parents died when I was young! My Grand ma is the only person in my life! I have been struggling since my childhood! But I promised to myself that I would never think myself helpless whatever the situation would be and another promise I made to myself and that was -"I would never support the wrong thing in my life". Any adversity can’t make me do that! Never! I needed money desperately for Grand ma’s treatment and for exam fees hence I came here for the audition! It was a fluke because I didn’t have any other option! I used to act in school dramas hence I tried my luck! It was a wild decision, I know! Crazy as well!! May be glamor doesn’t suit me!I would say sorry if I did something wrong!Won't say sorry because I know that I am not wrong! It’s the time to say good bye and good luck!”

Before leaving the cabin she turned back and said-“We can’t blame anyone for our disasters! Or it is an insanity to depend on someone that only they can save our boat! The only savior is our capabilities, our confidence! In short, only we can save ourselves! Good luck!”
She walked away! Then Krish entered and said, “Do you have any answer! Mr. Genius?”
“So you heard everything?”
“Yup! Now have to select someone else but I’m not hopeful at all, sorry! And I don’t have any faith on the other "leading" actresses of the industry who can do the proper justice with the character! But one thing I can assure you that you have lost a precious gem! Okay gotta go!”
“Wait! Do you really think I did wrong?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!”
“There are thousands of Manish in the industry! You don’t depend on him! You are Pronoy Joshi! Don’t forget! Now you are smart enough to know what to do!”

There was just one thing in my mind-The nineteen years old very young girl taught me, a 38 years old man the lesson of right and wrong! For my kind of “egoistic” man her such behavior was an audacity but don’t know why her every single word made me think! I asked myself so many questions and said to myself, “You were not an arrogant person or insensible! Then what happened to you? The answer was simple- No1. Four flops in a row, No2. Meghna’s betrayal! These two reasons made me behave like a moron or insane! Made me feel insecure! The feeling of insecurity was killing me and forced me to behave like this. Yes no one can save my boat except myself!”
I stood up and went to Manish. His PA and body guards were busy in cooling him down! He asked, “Is she coming to say sorry to me?”
I asked, “Sorry for what?”
“What? Are you kidding me Pronoy?”
“No I don’t! You know my sense of humor is not that good! Sorry for what? Even you should say sorry for not having the sense of punctuality!”
“Hey hey hey are you telling me this? You know who I am?”
“Get lost!”
“I said, get lost!”
“You will regret for this, Pronoy! May be this is the reason why Meghna is with someone else! This is gonna be the biggest mistake of your life and you have to pay for this! This is gonna be your career's fifth flop and then?.........”

“I said get lost!”
After that I took her number from Krish and called. I was shying and didn't know what to say or how to say sorry! I  said, “Here I am the boss and no one can walk out without my permission, so tomorrow at 6 o’clock.”
Cut the phone. Krish hugged me. I said, “No time to waste , Man!!. Call Monty! He will play the role! Krish dropped from the blue and shouted-“What! Are you insane? Monty? The chocolate boy? He has never done any serious role in his life! Are you sure he can do the role of a philosopher?”
“This is the real challenge of a good director who can make anyone act!”
“Alright! I trust you!”
Monty was overwhelmed to get the role!
Finally the shooting had started! But that wasn’t an easy task! I had to face the criticism of media! “Pronoy Joshi’s forthcoming disaster!” “A “novice” and a “bad actor”-Pranoy Joshi’s weirdly step!” But nothing could stop me. Every single day I was learning so many things from the nineteen year’s old little novice!

And finally the movie-The Destiny was released! The media who called that a disaster, praised a lot! A novice and a “bad actor” created a magic in the box office! After the premier Monty came to me. His eyes were full of tears; He said, “Finally I am an actor not just a hero! Thank you so much for giving me the recognition, thanks for keeping faith in me,sir”
But it was my turn to say thanks to my little teacher, Avantika! She came with her grand ma! But stardom couldn't change her! She stick to her decision! She would appear for the exams and complete her education! But me and my "ego" factor....! Krish came to me and said, “I know you won’t!”
I looked at him and smiled!
One day in the morning I got a call! I didn’t believe that, it was Meghna!
“Hey Pronoy! Congratulations!”
“Thanks but for what?”
“Don’t you know? "The Destiny" has been nominated for the Nation award!”
“OH MY GOD! Really? Cool! It’s news to me actually! Thanks!”
“Honey actually I wanted to say that I missed you a lot!”
“But honey I am so busy that I don’t have time to “miss” anyone! Get it? Thanks again and Good bye!”

The big big day of the award ceremony and the precious National Award was in my hands and I had to say something! “Thanks to my entire team! The cast and the crew!”
And that time my ego couldn’t stop me to say something;so I smiled and said,

“And most of all I’d like to thank my little teacher! Thank you so much. Thanks for everything!”


  1. Tor blog ta emni dekhchilam; Darun, khub bhalo.This one is the new story I guess;you've done a great job.Well done.

  2. again i saw u mentioning E G O...certainly it struck a chord:-))) writing wise,its glued!!!!!and somewht like a PARABLE...everyone cn learn lessons at the end:-))))

  3. jio, fatafati, rocking.....!!! onek matured hye gachis dkchi writing e...... valo. keep it up..... munni rocks yet again....!! :)

  4. @ Didibhai, mari and sam- THANK U SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH...LOve u all...and @ Mari yeah our EGO...@ Sam- :-D

  5. Good thought my Angel.....God bless u....egiye jao...---- Debomita Di
