The stories of life

The stories of life

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The True Happiness!

              It was a usual day for me. The same old office, files, work load. Everything was the same! But something was still making me impatient. I was eagerly awaiting my lawyer's phone call to know  the progress of my case- the divorce case! Another thing which was in the top most position of my priority list- I was searching someone desperately. But keeping my personal problems aside, I was back to cudgel my brain  in the "professional" task! In the lunch break I got a call! I thought it was my lawyer's but it was from someone else! Someone whom I was obviously not expecting. I thought I left everything behind and moved on but  my past was not ready to leave me. My dad Mr. Barnard Jones who is one of the biggest business men of the country, his assistant  Mr. Swami called me. The news  made me stunned! It was a bolt from the blue! Yes I left everything behind and promised to myself that I wouldn't see their faces anymore but I can't deny the fact that we can't abolish the relationship which is created by God. Mr. Barnard Jones got heart attract! He was in the hospital. He wanted to see me. For so many reasons I decided that I wouldn't forgive him but the news brought tears in my eyes after a long long time. I was so busy that I couldn't able to watch today's news on TV or read the news paper. My work, especially the divorce case made me so screwed that I didn’t even notice that the people were discussing about this only! The breaking news on TV-"Mr. Barnard Jones got severe heart attack!" Here nobody knows my real identity. I hided that. Here I made my own identity and not only that, but also my own rules and my own world where there would be no trace of Mr. Barnard Jones!


             I took my car and reached to the hospital. There was a huge crowd of media. I was just a face in the crowd! Nobody knew me there. I was struggling hard to get inside... Suddenly someone called my name, "Miss Dorothy!" It was dad's assistant Mr. Swami, 55 years of age. His grey hair was telling about the experience of his life. He is a very serious kind of person though he was a very loving and caring man. He had been working with dad for the last thirty years. He used to tell me stories in my childhood. He was someone who was trustworthy. Someone on whom you can rely by closing your eyes. He tried to stop me while I was leaving, one year ago. He sent two people to bring me in. After one year I was seeing him. I didn't imagine that I would meet him one day here in this hospital!

I opened the door and slowly walked inside. He was sleeping. There was someone else who was sitting there; busy with his video game. Both of us couldn't stand each other.He was 7 years old Devil Billy, Mr. Jones’s second wife Anushka's son, my "over smart" step brother! 

The devil said,
"Oh hell! Here she comes! “
You can't expect anything else from this stinky skunk.

I said,  "Zip it up? This is hospital!"

He started making faces. That sucks but I'm used to it. Without caring his stupid behaviour, I slowly approached towards dad. He opened his eyes slowly and said,

"You shouldn't talk much."
"The attack was  a minor one! Don't worry. You come and sit beside me. Let me see you!"

I went there and sat beside him.
"You left everything long back; then why are you shedding tears now?"
"We will discuss about this later. Now you don't talk much."
"You will be leaving I guess...”
"No, I won’t. I will be here with you."
 The devil had been sitting there by closing his mouth for the last two minutes. That was not “normal” for sure. He said,
“Oh no!”
Dad continues,
“I have a request to you… Will you please keep this request?”
“Sure! Please tell me what can I do for you!”
“I just fade up of everything. Every day life, tension, business problems, stock market fluctuations, competitions, business rivalry etc made me sick! The life is losing its meaning. After getting out of here, I want to go to a cool and calm place…”
“Sure dad! That’s a very good idea!”
“Do you remember the bungalow at Simla? Actually that’s not exactly at Simla; the place is called Junga which  is few kilometers away from there! Far away of chaos! We used to spend our holidays there!”
“I remember we use to visit there on my summer vacations! I loved the garden there! Clear blue sky, the hill was visible from there. And of course the basket ball court! Me and mom used to play there!”
“I don’t know honey… After your mother’s death, I never went there.”
Both of us became a little emotional. He continued,
“But now I want to go back there!”
“That’s great! You should visit there!”
“Not only I, but also you….”
The devil also reacted the same way as I did,
“No dad! You can not do that!”
“Dorothy, honey that’s my only request to you.”
I was confused! What to say!
Devil Billy said,
“Say no! Say no!”
“Okay dad, I am ready!”
Dad smiled and said to devil Billy,
“Three of us!”
"Oh no!"
“Actually four of us! Dorothy, Billy, me and Swami!”

Both of us replied together!
“Alright dad!”
After one week, dad got discharged from the hospital. For the last one week, I was with dad. One year I spent my life alone. No one was there with me. Office, divorce case and searching someone who was the most special person of my life- all of these were made my life hell. I started thinking myself an orphan. Ignored, unloved, there was no one to take care of me; there was no one to see me whether I had taken my meal or not, I’m alive or not! The week brought my old days back.
After mom’s death in an accident, dad got married to Anushka, dad's friend whom I never accepted as my mother. Devil Billy was just four years old when her mother Anushka committed suicide. The reason no body knew. But Anushka was not the reason for why I was angry with dad. The reason was totally different.

              After few days we reached to Shimla. The Bungalow is at Junga. It is a Tehsil, in the picturesque district of Shimla, Himachal Pradesh,which is located at a distance of 26 km from Shimla this place is known for a palace and museum of erstwhile Junga Princely state and its scenic beauty and the numerous easy to hard treks it offers. Junga is surrounded by green hills with snow capped mountains and has a forest cover of  Deodar, Pine, cedar, Oak Rhododendron, Ban and other trees. We entered in the bungalow. Everything was still the same,- the garden, basket ball court, everything. Seemed like my mom's touch was everywhere.
              The first mess was created by our "very own" Devil Billy! I had to spend few weeks with this stupid boy- the thought was killing me! That's hell!Dad's order was,- "Both you brother and sister have to share one room!" Dad is really really cruel.That was the reason of that mess.

             Truth to be told, I was enjoying there especially the amazing climate and the snowfall. Dad’s health was recovering. One day dad called me and said,
“Dorothy, I called my lawyer today.”
“Lawyer? For what?”
“To discuss on my will!”
“Will? But why do you need that? You should not think about all  these things. You just relax!”
“That’s necessary sweetheart! At 11 o’clock he will come! Bring him here to me!”
“Okay dad! As you wish!”
From the morning maids were struggling to feed Devil Billy  his breakfast! Actually the crazy monkey is untamed. I was working on my laptop but couldn’t concentrate because of the noise. So I came to the battle field and shouted,
“Hey you stinky skunk! Why don’t you have your breakfast?”
“That is my wish! Get lost!”
“Bloody devil! Don’t you know how to behave with the elders?” 
“Yeah yeah I have to learn from you that!”
I was chasing  him to catch and give a tight slap!
Suddenly door bell rang! Leaving the devil, I went to open the door.
I opened the door and the person who was standing there made me stunned! Fair, 6 feet tall, 30 years old man. His appearance was clearly saying that he is a fitness buff. His specs reflected his intelligence. The person reminded me of that "accident" which I never wanted to remember. My disastrous past!
“You? !What are you doing here?”
He answered in a cool manner, -“Mr. Jones called me!”
“What? You are his lawyers?”
Meanwhile Mr. Swami came and tried to cool the situation,
“Oh welcome Mr. Morison! Mr. Jones is waiting for you!”
I shouted,-“But Mr. Swami…”
“Dorothy, Your dad is not well. That’s why I am requesting you to please control yourself. Any kind of stress will be harmful to him. So chill!”
The presence of the lawyer made someone really excited! Devil Billy!
“Danny! Hey man! How are you?”
He rushed to him and hugged. The maids were still running behind him to feed his breakfast.
“Why didn’t you have your breakfast, dude?”
“Corn flex sucks! Yakkk.”
“But that’s nutritious! Alright dude, don’t worry we’ll go to the pizza parlour in the evening. But you have to finish your breakfast now!”
“Give me five partner!”
I didn’t know that there was someone who could tame the wild monkey.
And then Mr. Swami took the “lawyer” inside dad’s room and closed the door.
I was feeling so betrayed! Dad once again betrayed me and I. like a fool trusted him.
I was 19 years old when mom died. I didn’t say anything to dad when he got married to Anushka! Because I thought every human being has the right to be happy. I was in the Engineering College at that time. There I met Vicky! He was brilliant, the college topper, a very good guy but the main problem was he belonged to a lower middle class family. I fall for him. We were happy together. Dad was busy with Anushka, his business and of course parties. Vicky was the only one who had time for me. He became my necessity. I could not imagine my life without him.We spent five years together. One day Vicky left me! I didn't know where!  Dad was responsible for that. Quite natural! He belonged to a lower middle class family. After that he arranged my marriage with Denial Morison, “the lawyer”! The reason  was enough  to say good bye to him and all the relationships. I and Danny Morison were three months together in his house;but the truth was,- we were living like strangers. One day I left the home and filed for divorce. For the last one year I have been fighting for this and living a lonely life. But my search was still on! I searched Vicky everywhere but could not find him! And today dad called Danny Morison to discuss on his will!? He once again let me down. How could I be a fool!  I went to my room and started packing my bag. Then a noise stopped me! It was coming from outside!
“SURPRISE! Here I am! The world’s most beautiful woman!”
I heard that before! I knew the voice! I came out of the room and yes my guess was right! My 25 years old supermodel cousin Kelly! She is beautiful, “hot”, jovial and funny! She tightly hugged me,
“Dorothy , Dorothy , Dorothy, my sis! I missed you so very much!”
Truth to be told I didn’t miss anybody. She said, “I know I know you didn’t miss me!”
“No Kelly it’s not like that! It’s a great surprise!”
“ I came to Delhi to attend the Fashion show! Guess what who was the show stopper?!”
“You, of course!”
“That’s right!”
“How do you know that we are here?”
“Hey Kelly!”
Devil Billy seemed to be so excited to see her! He had finished his breakfast! He was in the store room.
“Hey handsome! Come to me!”
He came and hugged her. I think, in this whole world, I am the only person whom he hates. Except me, he likes everyone!
Kelly asked him, “How am I looking?”
That was really too much for a seven years old guy saying something like that. I asked him,
“What are you doing there, in the store room?”
“None of your business, you curious cat lady!”
I was losing my patience! In the mean time Mr. Swami opened the door of dad’s room. He was coming out along with Danny.
Kelly seemed to be so excited to see Danny. One thing was definitely shocking! I had never seen her like that before. She didn’t jump or shouted! She said in a calm way,
“Hello Danny!”
“Hi Kelly!”
“It’s good to see you!”
“Same here!”
Mr. Swami said, “Mr. Morison will be staying here for few days for some official work!”
I was sulking and said,
“I am packing my bag. I have to leave!”
Danny without saying anything walked away from that place. Devil Billy said, “Wait Danny! I am also coming with you. We’ll play football in the garden!”
“Sure dude! Let’s go!”
Seemed like he didn’t care!
Kelly was a little bit shocked! “What?! You are leaving?”
Mr. Swami didn’t react anything. He just said, “I told you before that any kind of stress will be harmful for your dad! So unpack your bag and come for the lunch!”
Kelly said, “I am going to see Uncle Barnard.”
“Okay Kelly you get fresh and come for lunch!”
                          I was feeling uncomfortable during the lunch time. Dad joined us today. He was feeling much better. But I was still angry with him. Kelly’s attitude was really suspicious. She wanted to sit beside Danny but Devil Billy had already reserved the place for himself. Everyone was in good mood! That made dad very happy. I think the reason was the presence of Danny Morison.
                          I didn’t want to talk to Danny but about our divorce case I had to discuss with him. In the evening he was sitting in the garden. I went to him and said,
“I need to talk to you!”
“About our divorce case….”
“Everything is up to you. I never had any objection.”
“hmm I know! Actually I don’t know what’s going on here! It makes me uncomfortable!”
“What? My presence? But I didn’t annoy you.”
“No! I didn’t mean it!”
“Leave it Dorothy. Just enjoy the beauty of nature!”
Meanwhile Devil Billy came there,
“You promised me something Danny!”
“Did I? But what?”
“NO this is not fair! I had that sucking breakfast for this only!”
“Oh! Yes now I remember! pizza parlour!”
“Yeah!Come on come on come on!”
“Dorothy you can also join us!”
“Ah no thanks! You go and have fun!”
Devil Billy said, “Leave her man! She has some “attitude” problem!”
“I will kill you devil! Okay let’s go!”

             That was a paradise for the devil. He took three pizzas. He is a big eater, I must say.
“Did we ever go out together in those three months, Dorothy?”
“No I guess!”
“It’s good to see you like this. You don’t cry anymore! In those three months you used to cry only!”
“I never cried in front you.”
“I know but the tears you couldn’t hide from me.”
“Did you really care for that? I cheated on you! Hurt you and filed for divorce!”
It was Kelly! She was tired and was sleeping. That’s why we didn’t wake her up.
“How could you forget me?”
“You were sleeping Kelly!” I said.
Danny said, “This is pizza! Bad for your figure isn’t it? Miss Super model?”
“Oh Danny! How funny you are! I can break the rule for one day! I will spend some extra hours in the gym!”
Devil Billy was so busy in eating that he didn’t notice anything!

          Coming back home, I don’t know but I was feeling so cool after a long time. I didn’t know the reason. I went to dad’s room! He was watching TV.
        “What are you watching?”
        “Premier league matches! I know you are not interested…”
        “How are feeling now?”
       “You went out with Danny!” He smiled.
       “Is that your conspiracy, dad?”
        “No honey! I have stopped doing that! I paid a big penalty! I lost you. He came here because he is the person whom you can rely on! That’s it! Divorce and all that, are your personal matter! I am sorry-that is all I can say.”
“Just relax dad!”
“I am fine. We are all together. The place is wonderful! No business, no stock market fluctuations… Only peace of mind!”
In the mean time Danny and Devil Billy came to join dad for cheering their team. Dad is happy. Even I am not angry with him any more. Everyone is happy because of Danny.
                              On the dinner table dad announced something….
“Ladies and gentle man! May I have your attention please! As you all know that Barnard is a party animal! Here I was missing something and that is a party! The day after tomorrow is Valentine’s day! We will celebrate the day!”
The idea was good but we were all worried about his health. He said,
“Don’t worry people! It will work like medicine for me. I planned everything with Kelly!”
Danny smiled and said,
“But here all we are ‘single’. Then who will be whose “VALENTINE”?
That made everyone silent and for me, that was embarrassing indeed.
“Can’t say about Billy! He didn’t tell me about his girl friend!”
That broke the silence and everyone started laughing.
“Girl friend! Euuuu!”
But I was really not happy!
At night Kelly came to my room.
“May I sleep here?”
“Sure Kelly!”
Billy slept prior to us! His tummy was full of pizzas  which made him sleepy. After a long time when two sisters meet, they do only one thing- Gossiping. I was sure that she didn’t come for gossiping only. Her intention was different. She asked,
“Have you forgiven Uncle Bernard?”
“Who the hell am I to forgive someone?”
“Danny is a very nice guy, isn’t he?”
“May be! I didn’t get the chance to know him but he definitely has some qualities which make him unique and that is the reason why everyone likes him. For the last one year I have been searching Vicky. I don’t know where is he! How is he! I don’t know what dad has done to him! I miss him too much. I know he misses me too.”
“Dad didn’t do anything with your Vicky. The truth is, you didn’t understand dad or I should say that you failed to understand each and every true relationship and human beings.”
Me and Kelly both were shocked to see that Devil Billy was listening to us!He didn't sleep!
“why didn’t you sleep?”
“Dad told me not to tell you about Vicky!”
I couldn't understand  how I would react! Billy knew about Vicky!
“Do you know about him?”
“Yes I do! One day I went to dad’s office from school to give dad a surprise! Vicky was talking to dad and he made a deal with dad.”
“What deal?”
“A huge amount of money!”
“You go and sleep. I know you are lying!”
Kelly was listening. She said,
“You have a very bad habit, sis! You don't read news paper or watch news on TV!  Here everybody knows about that “high ambitious guy” except you!”
“I don’t know what you are saying! I am getting impatient! Tell me…”
Kelly continued,-“You need not to worry about him because there is Mr. Gupta to take care of him! After all Vicky is his son in law. ”
“Mr. Dinesh Gupta, the industrialist!”
“What do you mean?”
“For the last one year you have been searching him. But where? In the slums,?you asked his friends etc etc. But do you know that he went to abroad after taking the money. There he found Mr. Gupta's daughter and tied up.Vicky was an ambitious guy! Last I saw him in Delhi, in a  fashion show, few weeks ago. He was with his wife, Mr. Gupta’s daughter. Finally he fulfilled his dreams! ”
I did not understand what to say! I broke into tears. Billy without caring said,“Dad didn’t tell you anything for this only cause you would get hurt” and he went to bed.
Kelly came to me and said,
“Dorothy! Relax! Uncle Barnard loved you so much. That is why he chose Danny for you. He offered him everything but Danny was satisfied with his own life. I didn’t tell you something Dorothy. I didn’t get the chance.”
I looked at her.
“I didn’t tell you that after your break up, I wanted Danny to marry me. I love this guy.”
I didn’t know how to react. I was just listening.
“I am a supermodel. Men are crazy about me but Danny was an exception. You hurt him a lot though he didn’t ever complaint! He never imposed any decision on you. You didn't even try to know him because the fraud guy was in your mind. Danny didn't belong to any rich family. Even he was poorer than your Vicky. Danny is a self made man. He struggled a lot to be a successful lawyer. Not like that greedy dog...”
I couldn't sleep that night. Entire night I cried.

           Next day dad was looking fit and he was ready to go for the morning walk with Mr. Swami. I wanted to talk to him but how? How I would say sorry to him! Everyone was still sleeping. Danny, Kelly, Devil Billy.
"Mr. Swami! May I go with dad?"
"Oh yeah sure Miss. Dorothy! Three of us will go today.."
"If you don't mind Mr. Swami, may I go with dad alone?"
"Oh yeah sure!"
Dad was delighted to hear that!
"Swami! Only father and daughter! No third person allowed."

              Me and dad were walking down the street and cherishing the old memories. After half an hour of walk both of us sat on an park bench.
He said: "Everyone was curious to know why Anushka committed suicide! She was a very charming lady you know? She loved me. Her love was selfless. She was a very good friend of mine but friendship, sex those are all right but love? Love happens once in life. I was lonely after your mom's death. I thought Anushka would  kiss away my pain but everything was still the same. My pain was increasing day by day.  I was still  lonely. Actually I was so busy that I couldn't give time to my own people or I couldn't even realize what exactly my heart wanted! Only I was responsible for Anushka's death. She tried hard but failed to get my love. Your mom was the one and only love of my life. That was the only reason why Anushka committed suicide! That day I was totally broken. I could never do any justice to any relationship. I just wanted to rectify my mistakes. That's why I wanted to make you happy and chose a guy like Danny- a true human being! But as usual I failed once again and I lost you. Then I realized- you can not impose happiness on any one forcefully! I am thankful to God for that heart attack. I got time to think.... The attack has given me the time to identify myself! I just want to be happy with my children; the biggest treasure of my life! I don't want to loose you! I don't want anything else."

             I wanted to say so many things to him. But I was ashamed of myself. In fact it was even hard  to stand in front of the mirror. I wanted to apologize. But how? I hurt everyone. I had to apologize to so many people!
"Dad! Why you are feeling guilty? Even I am ashamed of myself that I was not be with you during your crisis. I thought you were happy and satisfied."
I hugged him. For the first time of my life I saw tears into his eyes. This rich man seemed like so poor on that day.

            We came back. Kelly and everyone was busy for the arrangement of the party. She had called her friends in the evening. Surprisingly, Devil Billy was so silent on that day. He took his breakfast, he didn't fight with me. Danny was helping Kelly. I wanted to talk to him. Suddenly my lawyer gave me a call. Today I was definitely not expecting him. He informed me that everything is alright. Soon I would get what I wanted.

            Party time! Everyone was having fun. The party was rocking. But my mind was somewhere else! I was sitting near to the fire place. Devil Billy came to me. I asked,
"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah I am!"
"I have never seen you like this!"
"Have  you told  dad whatever I told you last night?"
I took a deep breath and said,
"Thank goodness!"
"Oh I see! That is the reason of your silence."
"Nope! Not exactly!"
"Then what?"
"I have brought a gift for you!"
He gave me the gift.
"You are giving me a gift? What is it? A punching glove or itching powder?"
"Give it to me. I am opening it for you!"
"Its okay! I am taking the risk!"
I opened it up. The gift made me speechless. The devil gave me the world's most  precious gift.
It was a picture! There were three people: Me, dad and my mom. I was just eight years old. We came here during  my school vacations. We celebrated mom's birthday here. Me and dad gave her a surprise!
"You were asking me what I was doing in the store room! I was playing there and got this pic!"
"Thank you so much!"
I smiled! He said,
"You are lucky!  You spent a long time with your mother. But I didn't get the time! Before I know her, she walked away!"
I wish I could say something! Sometimes you are out of words.I said,
"Come to me!"
I hugged him. Kissed on his forehead.
"Hey devil! will you dance with me?"
That made him shocked!
"Yeah sure!"

That made everyone stunned! Me and Devil Billy were dancing together! Dad was extremely delighted to see us like that!

There was another man whom I had to say sorry! But the question was still there! HOW?

                       Danny was standing in the balcony. I went there! He looked at me and smiled,
"Congratulations! Finally you have got that ,what you wanted!"
"What are you talking about?"
"There is only one topic to talk about!"
"Can we talk about something else?"
"As you wish!"
"Why my wish Danny? Don't you have any wish?"
"Does it really matter, Dorothy?"
"You are saying this to hurt me, I know!"
"Is it? I am sorry!"
I looked inside the party hall. Kelly was rocking! She was the center of attraction. I asked Danny,
"Kelly is hot! Isn't it?"
"May be!"
"Every man is crazy about her!"
"So what?"
"She loves you."
"Don't you...?"
"Nope! Don't you think that you are embarrassing me?"
"Oh I am sorry, Danny!"
"I think I should leave!"

I held his hand.
"Look at me, Danny!"
He looked at me. His eyes were clearly saying that he had lots of complaints. He said,
"Today here is everyone with someone! And you are not.. Is this the reason why you are doing all these?"
I asked him,
"Do you hate me?"
" Who the heck I am to do that?"
"I know you hate me!"
"Nope I don't!"
"Then what do you do?"
"I don't know.."
"Why didn't you go to Kelly?"
"It is not necessary that you have to include someone in life immediately after your break up!"
"Break up? But we didn't start yet!"
"So what?"
"If I say that you love me!"
"That also doesn't matter!"
"Why not?"
"You are drunk I guess, Dorothy! We are getting divorced!"
"Shut up Danny! You talk too  much!"
I held his collar and kissed him.
After that he looked at me and said,
"Crazy woman!"
And then he kissed by holding me.

After the party we were all tired. Guests had gone! The whole family was sitting together near the fire place! We were discussing about the party! Devil billy was sitting on my lap. That was the most shocking scene ever! Danny clicked our photo! He said,
"That's a rare pic! Or I should say that its a miracle!!"
Everyone started laughing! Kelly said,
"I have an announcement!"
We were all excited to know that! She said," Ladies and gentlemen! I am going to attend the Paris Fashion week! Its a great opportunity for me!"
Our reaction was the same!
Danny went to Kelly and hugged, "Wishing you a great life, my dear friend!"
I noticed the tear drops in her eyes.

Dad was happy!
"I must say children, it was a great holiday! Thanks to my heart attack!"
That was really funny.
"Dorothy! After this do you want to go back to your own flat?"
I looked at Danny. His head was down. I said,
"No dad! I have a different plan!"
"Really?! What's that?"
"I am shifting to another house!"
"Where is it?" He was shocked!
"I am shifting to Danny's house! That's the perfect place for me!"
Danny looked up! He looked at me! There was  pin drop silence in the room! And then everyone shouted together!  Everyone was delighted and excited especially Billy! He hugged me tightly.I had never seen Mr. Swami to behave like that! I knew him as a serious kind of person!Today I got back my family! My own perfect happy family!

Dad said,
"Bring the Champagne bottle!"
I said,
"But dad this is not good for you!"
"Oh never mind! Today I won't regret if the God of death takes my breath away!"



  1. "Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it."

  2. Sometimes it is very hard to differentiate right and wrong. that is the "game of life."

  3. Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there, because you can’t remember a time in you life when it wasn’t. But then one day you feel something else. Something that feels wrong only because it’s so unfamiliar, and in that moment you realize you’re happy:)

  4. but even after finding true happiness for urself, the world wont stop revolving:)
