The stories of life

The stories of life

Thursday, May 26, 2011


“Titli, where are you honey? Come downstairs! Here is a surprise for you!”

Titli was in the terrace. She was busy in watching those carefree birds in the sky! She was thinking, “You are the beautiful vagabonds, endowed with every grace, masters of all climes, and knowing no bounds! No one can stop you! One day I will fly! Fly so high like you! One day I will spread the wings and by breaking all the barriers will join you!”

“Titli come downstairs!”

Mom was getting impatient. When Tiltli came to the drawing room, she was shocked to see Barun, the famous fashion designer!  Mom said, “Surprise! Surprise! See who is here? Oh what a beautiful wedding dress he has designed for you! Look At this! The design, the cuts, just beautiful; what do you think?”
“Yeah good…”
“Just ‘good’?”
“What else you want me to say?” And she went to her room!
“Okay Barun thanks for the beautiful dress. Titli’s dad will talk to you later. He is abroad right now for his business tour. So all the responsibilities is on me.”
Barun says, “It is an honor to me madam. Thank you for choosing me to design the wedding dress for your daughter! The daughter of the industrialist Pranab Sen. I am overwhelmed.”
Then he went away. 
Mrs. Sen went to Titli’s room and asked, “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, Mom!”
“What do you want? Why don’t you speak up? The billionaire Shantanu Dasgupta is getting married to you. He is every woman's desire. How lucky you are!. Me and your dad are really excited for this event! Don’t you think that it is like a fairy tale story?”
Titli smiled and said, “Fairy tale? Well in “fairy tales, demon usually kidnaps the princess and then prince comes and saves her, then they get married and they live happily ever after. But in this “fairy tale story” a “billionaire” demon s kidnaps the princes but where is the prince, mom?”
“Titli I can’t understand you! You are slipping away and away from your mom. You never share anything with your mom. Are you happy or not?”

Meanwhile Titli’s cousin Suraj entered into the room! Suraj is a creative person! The twenty five years old young man dedicated his life to art! He never cared about his dad’s money and all those materialistic stuff of the world. He always believes in simple living! Titli and he were not only just cousins but also best friends!
“Any serious discussion ladies?”
Both Titli and Mrs. Sen were delighted to see him!
He said, “Titli get ready! We are going to art exhibition! My friend Anurag’s exhibition!”
Titli jumped and said, “Sure bro! Give me just 10 minutes”. 

Mrs. Sen said, “Oh Suraj! When you will grow up? Why don’t you help your dad in his business? I hate your LS friend’s circle! Don’t ruin your life with these worthless creatures!”

“Artists are “worthless” huh? Then according to you, Picasso, Tagore –they were also worthless?The big big worthless!”

“Be practical Suraj!”
He smiled and said, “Love you aunt Maya.”
He shouted –“Titli! We are getting late!”

“Yeah bro I am ready….Lets go! Bye Mom!”
“Bye Aunt Maya!”

 Every single painting was the master piece! The imagination of a genius.The viewers were surprised by the painter's creative genius! He was deeply inspired by both nature and humanity therefore, he tried to explore each subject with relation to the other.
“Anurag is a genius! You now Titli? He was an engineer! He quit his Government job and dedicated his entire life to his passion! That’s I call “craziness!” I’ve never seen such a nostalgic human being in my life! Life cages us in different ways! But nothing could bind him ever.”
Titli felt something which she couldn’t explain. Something was making her confused! She asked herself, “Do I know this guy, Anurag?” She said,
“There is just one difference between your friend and me and that is- ‘The Cage’!”
She looked at Suraj and smiled.
Everyone gathered in front of a painting and were discussing about the theme. But no one was sure-What exactly the theme was?
Titli went close to the painting and said, “I guess the theme is -salvation!”

“Wow! Wonderful! Absolutely right! It is about ‘Salvation’!”

She turned back. A guy about twenty eight years of age, tall, unkempt hair and sweet smile on the lips and black sparkling eyes! Titli suddenly feels that a cool gust of wind blew her to a different world! She asked herself,
“Who is he?”
“That’s my sis! Anurag, meet my cousin cum best friend –Titli, she is the daughter of the famous industrialist Mr. Pranab Sen!”
“Wait a minute bro! Hello, I am Tilottoma! That’s the only identity of mine.”

“Hi! Tilottoma!”

Titli was still confused! A question arose in her mind.But she didn't know the answer! She said,
“I’ve heard about you from Suraj!”
“Really? What did he say? Let me guess-‘Anurag is crazy.’ Right?”

“No no not at all! “Craziness” & “passion” both the words are totally different than each other!”
“Do you think so?”
“Yes of course!”

Suraj said, “Okay you guys continue! I’ll be back shortly!”
“Sure bro!”
Anurag continues, “Are you a painter?”
“No! I am a spectator!”
“Oh wow! That’s great! We are still surviving for your kind of spectators. What do you do?"
"I dream!"
"Oh My Goodness! It's good to hear that."

“So is this your first exhibition?”
“Very first! Suraj and my friends helped me a lot. I didn’t even prepare for this. They forcefully made me do!”
“Thank God they did!”

“Tilottoma,  lets get out of this place! The place is making me sick!”
“But Suraj said that you are ‘nostalgic’?
He laughed and said, “Suraj told you everything about me.”

Titli looked at him. Her eyes were sparkling! She was very close to get the answer of her question and clear her confusion!
Both of them got out of the hall and started walking down the street. It was a beautiful romantic cloudy weather.
“How about having a cup of tea?”
“Here? But the café is far away from this place!”
“I am not talking about café! How about the street side tea stall?”
“I know that’s awkward to the daughter of Mr. Pranab Sen! But I’m used to it.”

“I said, my only identity is –I am Tilittoma! Let’s have some tea,”

Both of them went to a tea stall and sat on the bench there. The boy of the tea stall served them tea in the clay glasses. Anurag said,
“I know you never had tea in clay glass before.”
“No I didn’t. But it is cool to have tea in clay glasses.”
Anurag said, “Clouds and darkness surround us, yet Heaven is just, and the day of triumph will surely come, when justice and truth will be vindicated.

Something was still intriguing Titli! She said,
“There's always a period of curious fear between the first sweet-smelling breeze and the time when the rain comes cracking down.”

“That is great! You can definitely be a good writer.”
“I said-I am a good spectator and a good reader and a good listener and a dreamer!"
I don't ask for the meaning of the song of a bird or the rising of the sun on a misty morning. There they are, and they are beautiful.

That stunned Titli. She looked at him. She got the answer of her question.
The question was –“Did I see this guy before? If yes then where?”

The answer was-“He is the reflection of mine! I’ve seen him several times within me! I’ve discovered myself within him.”

She said,
“They are the beautiful vagabonds, endowed with every grace, masters of all climes, and knowing no bounds! No one can stop them!”

“So you are here? I’ve been searching you everywhere. You forgot your phone at home. So Aunt Maya called me. Shantanu is waiting for you at home. Let’s go…”

Titli was dreaming-She was in the beautiful world of dreams!But  someone broke her slumber. The real world is too cruel… the reality is so ruthless. She looked at Anurag.
Anurag said,
“I am sorry Suraj. You know me. I was feeling suffocating inside the hall so…….. Sorry Tilottoma.”

“No don’t say sorry. I really enjoyed. It was totally a new experience to me. For the first time in my life I have got to know –This is life! The real world which I’ve never seen before. Thank you so much.”

“Actually Anurag, Shantanu is Titli’s fiancée. Shantanu Dasgupta? The business tycoon!”

“I know- “the youngest businessman of the year.’ Wishing you luck.”

At home,Shantanu was waiting for Titli.When Suraj and Titli came back,Mrs. Sen said, “He has been waiting for you sweetheart!”
“Hey Titli, we are going for the dinner! Get ready!”
“I’m too tired!”
“Tired of what?”
“Tired of everything! Tired of your artificial world! Your artificial happiness! Everything is so artificial here!”

Both Mrs. Sen and Shantanu were shocked to see Titli like this. Her behavior was a matter of worry to both of them. Mom asked,
“Are you okay?”
“Yes Mom! I’m perfectly alright. For the first time in my life I’m feeling cool. Shantanu for one day forget your Mercedes Benz  and try to walk down the street. For one day forget those five star expensive hotels and have a sip of tea in a road tea stall. Trust me the feeling is much more different and better than your"expensive" stuff. I know that's cheap and "LS" to you but try it.”
She went to her room.
 Shantanu was worried and asked Mrs. Sen-“Please take care of her.”

“Sure dear, I will. I think she is tired.”

“Don’t know but I feel that I can never make her happy and satisfied. Do you think my money and the achievements are the main reason for this? Trust me I try my level best to make her smile but…..”

“Don’t worry dear. I will talk to her. You are perfect for her. What else a woman need from her partner?”
“Don’t compare her with any other woman. And that’s the major problem. Money is not everything- always remember that. I got to go. Take care of her.”

He went away. Suraj was there. He was also worried. He went to Titli’s room.
“What’s wrong with you sis?”

“I want to talk to you!”
“Yeah sure.”
“Can you give me Anurag’s phone number and address?”

“But why?”
“Don’t ask why? I want it!”
“Look, you are getting married. Your behavior to Shantanu was not cool. Whatever you are doing with him, is totally unfair. He loves you. Cares for you. But you never care for him. I am worried. Love you sis. I want you to be happy.”

“Will you give me Anurag’s number or not?”
“Okay I will but please think about that whatever I said. That’s my request to you!”
Suraj gave her Anurag’s number and address.

She couldn’t sleep entire night. She got up from the bed and went to the window.  Entire world seemed to be so beautiful. Everything seemed to be so new. She wanted to call him but it was 1 a.m. She decided to give him a surprise. She was waiting for the morning.

In the morning she went to his house. He was sitting in his drawing room. 

“Good morning!”
He was shocked to see her.
“Oh my Goodness! What a pleasant surprise Tilottoma!?”

“Wanted to surprise you!”
“Please come in. Have some tea.”

“The house is so beautiful…”
“Yeah I’ve designed the interior of the house, very small though.”
“So what? I like it!”

“Thanks a lot. So, are you busy nowadays? For your wedding and all that?”
The question annoyed her. She avoided the question and said,
“I’ve decided something. I’m tired of being ‘just a spectator’! Now I want to do something which spectators will come and praise.”

“Wow! I appreciate that. Sure why not? So, what do you want to do?”
“Painting! Can you please teach me?”

“Sure sure why not? My pleasure! That’s a very good decision  I must say.”

Anurag took him to the canvas. She took a brush. He held her hand to teach. That increased her heart beat. The touch made her forget everything. She closed her eyes and felt the touch. The touch kissed away all her pain. The touch- she had been waiting for a long time. She has got whatever she wanted. She was flying with the wings of dreams.She had a very good time with him.

Titli’s life was totally changed- either her attitude or point of view to life. She used to search excuses to meet Anurag. Both of them became good friends. Suraj wasn’t happy for this. Titli’s behavior made him worried. She totally forgot about the wedding. There was just one thing in her mind- Anurag-the man of her desire!

Couple of days before the wedding Suraj went to her and said,
“You know what? I never had any regret for whatever I did in my life. I never took my dad’s business or money seriously. I did whatever I wanted. I broke the rules and never give a damn to the world. Yeah I never had any regret but today I am ashamed of myself that I ruined your life. I curse the day I introduced you to Anurag.”

“You never had any regret. You did whatever you wanted. No barrier for you because you are a man. You have the freedom to choose anything you want which I don’t. I thought you my best friend. Shared everything with you but that was the biggest mistake of my life.”
“You don’t understand Titli……Look at you . You are totally changed!You never behaved like this before.”
“Just stop it Suraj. I don’t need you or anyone else here. I hate you all. There is no difference between these people and you. You are a pretender and I hate you. Today nothing can stop me.”
It was 11 o’clock at night. Mr. Sen was back from the business tour. Titli came out of the house, took her car and drove away. She didn’t listen to her parents and Suraj. Her parents were worried. They asked, “What’s wrong Suraj? Where is she going? It’s 11 o’clock! What happened to her? Tell us.”
“I can’t tell you anything right now. Just give me sometime. I will bring her back, safely. But I'd like to say sorry to you. This is all because of me.”

Titli reached to Anurag’s house and knocked the door. That made him shocked...
“Tilottoma?! What happened? Look at the clock! Are you okay?”

“May I come in?”
“Sure? But what’s wrong?”
“I want to talk to you.”
“Yes, tell me. Have a sit and relax.”
“No, I’m not here to sit.”
“Its your wedding after two days.”
“Stop it Anurag! I don’t want to hear that. I’m just sick of this.”
“They all put me in the golden cage from the day I was born. I’ve never seen the real world and the real life. Whenever I see the birds- I feel so envious of them. They are so free. I always desired to break the cage and fly so high. When I was coping with my bonded life, you came to me. You took me to the real world, showed me the real life. I don’t care who you are! What you did! All I know is only you can make me happy. Make me smile. For the first time in life I felt something different. I think the feeling is called-‘love’. Anurag I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Love made me strong enough to break the cage and come to you.”
She went close to him, held his chin and kissed him.

“Tilottoma! You are insane!”
“Yes I am.”
“You are so immature and childish as well.”
He released himself and said,
“Can you ever catch those free flying birds? I think no one can. Can you catch the blowing wind? No one can. Yes! I am a free bird which no one can capture. I am a vagabond. I make my own ways and prefer to walk on those alone. I don’t want anyone. I don’t allow anyone to enter into my life. Go back. I’ll drop you. Everyone is worried there, I m sure. Suraj said that your fiance loves you so much. Wishing you a very happy married life, Tilottoma.”

He made her speechless. She looked at him with blank expression and said, "All you people are the same!" She walked away from there. Anurag shouted,
“Tilottoma wait! Where are you going? Wait!”
She was running like crazy on the street. She didn’t know where she was going to? Anurag was following her. Suddenly a hideous sound stopped her. She turned back-A truck ran over Anurag. He fell down in the middle of the street.  He was bleeding.
Titli’s senses stopped working. She went to him. She sat in front of his bleeding body in the middle of the street by bending her knees. Meanwhile Suraj reached their. He lost his foothold. Suraj called the ambulance to take Anurag to the hospital. There doctor declared him dead. Titli was still numb. She was staring at his body with blank expression. That seemed like someone took her breath away. But she didn't shed a single drop of tear.
Suraj told her, “Let’s go home. Your parents are worried. We, the friends will do his funeral and all that. Don’t worry.”

When she came back, lots of questions were waiting for her. 

Suraj told her parents,
“Don’t ask her anything. She will be fine!”He took Titli to her room.

And finally the day of wedding- Titli’s condition was still the same. She couldn’t forget the bleeding body of Anurag. The wedding was in the expensive five star hotel.

When everyone was busy, Titli went to the terrace of the hotel. The cloudy day reminded her of that day she first met Anurag. She looked at the sky. The birds were flying like every day.She said, "What did I say?One day I will join you. Today I'm coming."
A tear dropped from her eyes! She jumped from the terrace.
She was happy and totally satisfied!She can feel the pleasure of freedom! Finally she obtained her salvation!


  1. the bittersweet ending simply proves that love moves in mysterious ways:-)i just nver thought that getting freedom in choosing whom to love is a luxury these days:-))another masterpiece of urs!!

  2. Well, started crying, again after many months.....!!!! Wat a story!!! Wat an ending.....!!!!!! Just spellbound, numb, speachless...... Mon ta kub e bhari hoye galo re.......!! fatafati..... u will go far.... i know..........

  3. Following your stories for quite a time now...
    Good one... waiting for the next...
    may be you can try a longer story now...

  4. Can u plez tell me who s dis? BTW THNX A BUNCH..
    &I am a short story teller..:-)
    I personally prefer short stories..

  5. Here comes my analysis Munmun. You may not like it. To me Titli character is a complete self-centered, heartless bitch. She cared only for herself and loved only herself and nobody else. Anurag was personification of free spirit, an embodiment of life. A perfect tribute to him by Titli would have been if she embraced life. But instead she chose death. And that too on the wedding night with another man. Not only she devastated the parents but also another life. And all she did because she wanted to be with Anurag. You, most likely, have not written thinking about this particular point of view. But to me the end came as a shock. The end did not go with Titli as she was tried to be portrayed in the rest of the story. Again, this is my personal opinion.

  6. Do you really care who I am? You should not. You are a storyteller and I am one of your loyal(not really :))listeners. Don't be much conscious about who is reading your blog. btw you became much busy now-a-days but don't put a full stop to your storytelling. I'm sure many(including me) are waiting for your next post....

    Anonymous :)
    and I will always be an Anonymous

  7. i thought my frnd mark...but i think dis s avishek..

  8. As I told I will always be an Anonymous :)
