The stories of life

The stories of life

Monday, May 24, 2010

About Brotherhood
 This year’s CII meeting is so crucial; especially in the time of  “Global economic crisis”. People like me always play an important role in such situation. I mean the people of the banking industries. I’m the CEO of the leading private bank of the country. According to the leading news papers and magazines, I did simply marvelous and for the people like me,India has been abled to survive even in the economic slowdown. That’s true, RBI and SEBI make the rules and regulations but only I and the smart people like me who have revolutionary point of view only know how to make profits and attract people to invest more and more even in the crisis. It is a competitive world and survival is not an easy task. Competitors, Stock market and everything are inevitable in the business world. But deep down, I’ve some other problem which is bigger than these.
The day was pretty hectic.Interviews, press conferences, discussions  with colleagues, meeting with the Finance minister, friends and rivals as well. At 11 o’clock the meeting has started. The Finance minister has  focused on tax reforms.After the afternoon session, I’m going for the lunch.
“Sir, interview please; Economic Times”.
I look behind. It is Ricky. I mean Rakesh  Gupta. 

I say, “Man, I’ve been waiting for you. Where had you been? And don’t call me “sir”.
Ricky: “Oh sorry bro, just kidding. Was busy in interviewing the Finance  minister about the stimulus package.I think this is good for the small, micro and medium scale industries.But I don't understand one thing why there is a complete drought of thinking when it comes to the mechanism that can make a definite contribution to farmer welfare.Forget it, who cares?All the measures are half hearted in that particular issue.Then I went to interview  Mr. Meheta ”.
I: “You mean my rival, Meheta?”
Ricky: “Yups. Sorry bro but that’s my job.”
I: “Join me for the lunch”
Ricky: Nope, I’d like to have a drink.
I: Drink? In the afternoon?

Ricky: You know me, drinking has no time. But I never get drunk.
I: Oh, sorry I forgot. But one thing I remember your brand, Signature. Right?

Ricky: Absolutely. Might be I’m not as rich as my bro, but still I hate cheap brands. That’s why “Signature”.
I: Stop pulling my leg. Let’s have a seat.

Ricky: Pulling your leg has been  my hobby since childhood. I can’t help it! HAHAHA… So how is life?
I “(Smiling):  Surviving in the competition is getting tougher especially now. Mehta is snatching my position. And I can’t take it.

Ricky: Don’t worry; your bro is here to take care of your position. After all only we have the power to take someone to the top or bring someone in the bottom. But I must say, Mehta’s plans are more powerful and effective. So be careful. 
I: Hmmm. Thanks. You’ve helped me a lot.

Ricky: Really? Why not?  Today I’m alive because of you.

I: Don’t start again.

Ricky: I can’t forget that my entire life. I still regret for those eighteen years that we had wasted.

I: I’ve some other problems too. 
Ricky: What are you talking about?

I: Why don’t you come to my farm house on Sunday? That’s my favorite place to hang out.

Ricky: So you are going to the farm house… Cool! But with whom? (Smiling)
I: Shut up. My wife is with me. I’m the father of two kids. So be careful while you talk. You are talking about twenty or twenty one years ago... I’m forty now. I’m the father of two.
Ricky: Okay bro catch you up on Sunday.

He gets up and stats walking. He stops and looking back asks  me“Are you sure, you wife?” (Smiling).
 I (smiling), Shut up!

On Sunday in my farm house the devil, I mean Ricky comes. I was having a great time with of course my “wife” and children, 8 years old Milli and 14 year sold Sandy. Seeing my wife and he says,
 “Hey you are right! It’s your wife! I mean beautiful wife, Nidhi. I must say bro that you are lucky to have a “beautiful” wife like her. I’m not lucky enough! I’m neither a billionaire nor have a beautiful wife. My wife is fat and has a mustache and for the last eighteen years I’ve been requesting her to wax her arms and legs… But Alas!!! She never listens to me. So what? I still love her. 
Nidhi: For your kind information I’m in touch with Puja. I understand she doesn’t have time for all these especially in the time of Assembly elections.
Ricky(seems to be shocked): Really?! (Smiling) Yeah I know. The life of a political journalist is not easy. It’s 24/7 work during the time of elections. She is in Lukhnow right now. 
I (smiling): Honey, he is a devil; so, don’t listen to his bullshit.
Nidhi:  He is not Rishi, atleast he has a good sense of humor. He is not like you.  
Ricky: Oh yeah? But it is too late dear. I wish we could meet 18 years ago. But honey my salary is not enough to give you such a luxurious life style. So he is perfect for you. By the way how about your social working and all that? I mean rich men’s wives have only one job “social working”.

I: “What did I say Nidhi?”
Nidhi starts laughing and says, “Oh he is so funny! I like him! ‘Social working’ is great.” 
I: Jokes apart. I’m proud of my bro. He is straight forward and an honest journalist. 
Ricky(seems emotional): No he is wrong Nidhi. You know because of him, today I am alive. The reason of his success is he is a great human being and he has a broad mind.

Nidhi: I know Ricky, he is the best.

Milli and Sandy started fighting once again. Sandy threw Milli’s doll in the swimming pool. I’m sick of their fighting! It took all the piece of my mind away. Today they are young but whatabout tomorrow? This is a biggest matter of worry to me, more than down SENSEX/ NIFTY/ Mehta.  I shout, “Hey both of you stop fighting!”
Ricky guessed everything. He says, “History repeats, huh? So, you were talking about this problem? Don’t worry Ricky is here.

 Ricky goes to them and says, “Hey kids would you like to listen to a story?”
Sandy says, “Story? That’s for the kids.”

Ricky: You will like it! It has action, emotion, drama……..

Sandy: Can’t say…
Ricky: Beautiful Babe….
Sandy: What?! (He jumped) Beautiful babe?! Tell me tell me tell me….

Ricky: Cool! You are growing up!

Sitting next to the swimming pool, he starts the story.
Milly: Is it a fairy tale story? I love fairy tales!
Ricky: No princess, it’s about two brothers, your dad and my story. We are cousins and almost same aged. But in our childhood both of us were famous for our rivalry. Actually I was famous for my mischief. Your dad was not like me. He was not at all mischievous. He was a brilliant student. In short, a good boy. Everyone liked him more than me. I was jealous of him. He was the topper in the class and everyone used to praise him, you can’t imagine how I felt. There is just one motto in my life, ‘defeating Rishi at any cost.’ But he was always focused to his own work without caring anyone. That was the reason why he was a “winner”. I was not like him. I wanted to beat him. When I failed to do so, I did pranks with him. Like sticking chewing gum on his seat, pouring water in his bag, putting prank toys on his head etc and pulling his leg. He used to call  me “Devil”. He still calls me by that, hahaha.  
My hatrate had increased through the time. After finishing school we went to the college. Both we were the students of economics Honors. Asusual he was doing great. Everyone was impressed either the teachers or the students especially the girls. But there was just one problem, Andy and his group, our seniors. The guy was wicked. Everyone was scared of him and his group. No one had the daring to face them.
One day a new girl came to our class. She was gorgeous! I couldn’t move my eyes on her. It was my first love, Jessica. Love at first sight! But when she sat desk besides Rishi, you can imagine how I felt.
 Sandy says, "Yup I can".

Ricky: After the classes when I was on my way back to home, some one called me, “Excuse me!”
I looked back, it was Jessica!!
She said: I think we are in the same class; right?
 I was not in the condition to say anything. She said, “Hello! Excuse me!”

I got out of my dreams and said, “Yes!” She said, “I’m new here, so I need help. I don’t know anything about the college.” I said: “Don’t worry. I’m here to help you. Whenever you need me, I will be there for you.” 
“Okay, thanks. So friends?”
I was so excited that I just jumped and said: Sure!
Sandy: Wow! Great! You got your girl!
Rocky: Yup My dream girl! She was the most beautiful girl in the college. After few weeks she expressed her feeling to me. She loved me. The beauty queen Jessica, Ricky Gupta’s girl friend. I was feeling so lucky! I thought, this time I made Rishi defeated. But she asked me to keep our relationship, a secret because her parents were so strict. I agreed. I had a regret that I couldn’t show off the world that Jessica was my gf. After few days I heard from someone else that Rishi had also got committed. He had a girl friend. I was shocked! He got a gf and I didn’t know? One day I asked him, ‘I’ve heard that you have a girl friend.’ He said, “Yup.”
“Who is the lucky girl?”
“That’s a secret”.
“Okay, cool! Wishing you luck!”
But deep inside I was smiling and telling to myself, ‘This time Rishi, you lost and I won! Your gf can’t be as beautiful as my girl.’
Saturday evening I had a date with Jessica. I was waiting for her. It was shocking to see Ricky was also there! I went to him and asked, “Hey what you are doing here?”
“I’ve a date today.”
“Oh really? Me too!”

In the mean time suddenly, Andy and his devil group came there. Both Rishi and I were shocked when he shouted: Who are Rishi and Rakesh Gupta? Who the hell are they??
I was so scared. But Rishi stood up and said, “Yes? I’m Rishi Gupta. What’s your problem?”

He came to him and held his shirt’s collar and asked, “How dare you flirting my girl friend?”
Rishi was shocked and asked, “What do you mean by your girl friend?”
Andy said, “I’m talking about Jessica, my girl”.
Rishy: WHAT?! She is my girl.

I was totally blank! What the hell these people were talking about?? JESSICA? I stood up and said: Hey hey hey wait, she is my girl!

Both of them together shouted “WHAT?!”
I said, “Oh yeah dudes! Today is my date with her. Call her up here and ask”.
Suddenly Jessica came there. Both I and Rishi asked her, “Why did you do this to me?”
She smiled and said, “Just having fun boys! How about that? Actually Andy is my boy friend.”
I lost my cool. But from behind the devil group was about to attack me and Rishi. He shouted “RUN!” Both we started running. The group was chasing us with weapons like hockey sticks, wickets etc. But they caught us! Rishi was defending the attack and hit few of them. Suddenly someone pushed me from the back and I fall down. Andy was coming to me with a hockey stick to hit me. I was on the ground and I saw my death so closely. I was calling the Supreme soul  in my mind; it seemed that it was the end of Ricky. He was just about to hit me with that. Suddenly Rishi, like a God held the stick from behind. Someone was there seeing everything, he called the police. Hearing the siren of the police van, Andy and his group ran away. 
I was still traumatized. I couldn’t able to talk anything. Rishi gave his hand to me and helped me to get up. My head was down. My eyes were full of shame. I didn’t look at him. “Sorry” was a very small word to say. There was a small lake. Rishi took me there. I was still silent. After a while, I broke my silence and broke into tears. He said, “Boys don’t cry! Be a man. Forget everything”. I hugged him. I said “Forgive me. I’m the worst human being! Entire life I did everything to hurt you, but today you have saved my life! You are a great human being! This is the reason why Rishi is the best and I’m not!” He said, “Stop it. I never had any complain. You are my brother”. He hugged me. Ricky stopped. 
Sandy and Milly are listening with proper concentration. Sandy asks, “Then what happened?”
Ricky: Rishi complained to the Principal. Andy, his group and Jessica were rusticated from the college. Your dad helped me a lot to get out of the trauma. I’ve learned from him, how to be a good human being. This is the secret of being successful.
Sandy: And what about the true love?
Ricky: After five years I meet your aunt Puja. Both of us worked in the same publication house.She wasn’t as beautiful as the “bitch” Jessica. But she is the best. You guys always fight without any reason. One day when you will realize your fault, you will regret for everything. Just look at me, I regret for those eighteen years which will never come back.
Sandy and Milli look at each other. Sandy says, “I’m sorry. I will buy you a new Barbie doll. The new collection…. She is so happy and excited: “Really? You will?” He says, “Yes” and kisses on her head. 
Seeing that from a distance I'm astonished and happy as well. Me and Nidhi go to them. They come and give us hug. Today is the luckiest day of my life. Now I can easily face the down SENSEX, NIFTY and Meheta and the entire world. I say,“Thanks Ricky, you are an angel to me.Today you have saved me”. 
Ricky: Actually something never changes. Still ‘pulling your leg’is my favorite hobby. By the way next week you are going to the South East Asian tour?
I say, Yes!
Devil says,”With whom?”